Tetons, 2020

  • Tailored Avalanche Education

    Built curriculum for custom level 1 & level 2 avalanche courses tailored towards young, performance skiers.

  • Winter backcountry overnight skill development

    Focused on skill development for winter camping, suvival, and expedition preparation.

  • Powder skiing and terrain management

    Taught technical skills for skiing in deep snowpacks and managing terrain choices through effective route finding.

La Grave, 2019

  • Ski mountaineering skill development

    Taught skills for the big mountain environment including glacier travel, rope systems, rescue techniques, and route navigation.

  • Steep skiing

    Taught and coached technical skills for skiing in steep terrain.

  • Terrain management

    Essential skill building and mitigation strategies for big mountain hazards including avalanches, serac fall, and rock fall.

Chugach Range, AK, 2018

  • Remote expedition prep

    Delivered skill development for remote winter expeditions while ski touring in big mountain terrain.

  • Ski touring skill development

    Focused on curriculum for effectively and safely traveling on skis in a group to find quality snow.

  • Teamwork & group dynamics

    The backcountry is a laboratory for learning about effective decision making, team building, and conflict resolution.

San Juans, Colorado, 2018

  • Avalanche & snowpack science

    Built curriculum around the historic March 2019 Colorado avalanche cycle. Explored snowpack dynamics in 300-year sized avalanches.

  • Ski touring skill development

    Focused on curriculum for effectively and safely traveling on skis in a group to find quality snow.

  • Teamwork & group dynamics

    The backcountry is a laboratory for learning about effective decision making, team building, and conflict resolution.